Friday, April 17, 2015

Oven Baked Potatoes

We struggled with baking potatoes, because we could never get the temperature right and get the potatoes tender.

After playing around with different baking temperatures and cooking times, 425°F for 30 minutes has worked for us best! Lastly, season with olive oil, salt, pepper, and Italian seasoning! Enjoy!!

Tuna Salad with NO MAYO!

We doctored up the traditional tuna salad with mayo. Trying to be healthier, instead we used: extra virgin olive oil, capers, Spanish olives, anchovies, and canned tuna (drained).

All you have to do is toss the ingredients above and season with salt and pepper. That's it. Enjoy!

Marinated Tomatoes

One of the easiest things to make--marinated tomatoes! Simply slice cherry tomatoes in quarters and place into a bowl. Pour a dash of soy sauce and squeeze the juice of one lemon into the same bowl. And that's it! Super easy. We should add this is a great pairing with fish!

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Baked Squash

We love baked squash topped with sunflower seeds and dried cranberry! What a great pairing.

Simply drizzle olive oil on the squash slices and season with salt and pepper. Next, place the seasoned squash into a 400 degree (Fahrenheit) and bake for 35-45 minutes until tender. Once tender, sprinkle the sunflower seeds and dried cranberry! Enjoy!!