Monday, December 1, 2014

Peppered Seared Tuna

This is SUPER EASY. My inspiration came from eating at Lemonade in Ventura Blvd. I looked at their seared ahi tuna and was instantly inspired, thinking yes I can make that as well (although I didn't try their version because I felt I could make my own--which I did).

Here's how I made mine:

1. Season both sides of your tuna with pepper (heavily) and a dash of salt.

2. To a scorching hot skillet with 2 tablespoons of olive oil, place your tuna gently. Watch the sides of the tuna. As one side turns white, flip the tuna over to sear the other side as well. I made mine almost sashimi-like (raw fish). For those that don't like the rawness, keep cooking the sides until you get a good layer of white on both sides, which really depends on preference.


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