Thursday, May 22, 2014

Clams in Wine

This is a 10-minute cooking. This should be ready when the clams open. Discard the clams that don't open--those are dead!

1. Clams
2. Garlic, minced, two cloves would be enough
2. Shallot, chopped, enough to season
3. Ginger, chopped, enough to season
4. Ground pepper, enough to season
5. Mint, rosemary, or other seasoning  of your liking
6. Salt, enough to taste
7. Olive oil, just enough

The work:
1. Clean the clams with water
2. Coat pan with olive oil, and heat for at least 2 minute--medium heat
3. Throw in seasoning. When it start smelling good follow the
4. Clams
5. After 10 minutes the clams should be opening, add olive oil and salt to taste.
6. End of work, enjoy!

Taste better when added with white wine along with the olive oil. And a lot better when dined with dry white wine!

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