Thursday, May 22, 2014

Planked Salmon

The original broiler planking. Set oven tray in the middle tier. Set to broil 450 deg. F. Wet the plank well, and let it sit inside the oven for five minutes (this would make the plank emit its natural wood flavor--in our case it's cedar).  We used cedar plank bought from Costco, or you could buy it from Amazon.

1. Salmon fillet (skinless or with skin)
2. Salt to taste (not needed if capers is used)
3. Pepper, ground, as desired
4. Garlic, powder, as desired


Season salmon fillet with the rest of ingredients and place on top of the maple plank and continue broiling for 30 minutes @ 450 deg. F. You are done! 

How to serve:

Serve the grilled salmon on its grilling plank. You may top with capers or ringed onion. Fresh peppermint or basil leaves with a glass of dry white wine should simply seal this favorite.
Attention: Check your cooking accordingly, paying especial attention to the cedar plank.

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